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Your Personal History

Questions for Your Personal History . . .  Go Ahead, Pick and Choose!

Write about your name. Where did it come from? What does it mean?


When and where were you born?


What was your mother like and what kind of a mother was she?


What was your father like and what kind of a father was he?


What are some traits that you inherited from your mother?


What are some traits that you inherited from your father?


Do you have any siblings? Write about them.


Write about your grandparents.


Do you remember your great-grandparents?  What do you know about them?


Write about your aunts.


Write about your uncles.


Write about your cousins.


What are your first memories in life?


Where did you grow up? What do you remember from that place?


Where was your first home and what are your memories of it?


What homes/places have you lived?


Think about your house growing up. What was it like?


What was your childhood bedroom like?


What was your favorite activity as a child?


What was your favorite place as a child?


Who were your friends as a child?


Did you have a nickname growing up or as an adult?  What was it and why?


Was there a chore you really hated doing as a child?


What kind of books did you like to read?


Do you remember having a favorite nursery rhyme or bedtime story? What was it?


What did a typical day look like as a child?


Did you have any childhood diseases or health issues?


Who was the oldest person you remember as a child?


What world events were significant to you as a child?


Write about your early school memories.


What was your favorite subject in school?


Who was your favorite teacher as a child


Did you move as a child? Write about it.


What was your favorite food as a child?


What were your favorite childhood games?


What did your family do for fun when you were a child?


Write about your most memorable birthday?


How did you typically celebrate your birthday?


Write about your favorite holiday memory.


What was the hardest part about growing up?


What was the best part about growing up


What are some things that you wish you had or had more of as a child?


Did you travel as a child?  What were your favorite places to visit?


What were you most proud of as a child?


What did you want to be/do when you grew up? Did you become or do it?


Did you have any favorite toys or pets as a child?


What games did you play as a child?


What memories as a child do you have of holidays?


What did you enjoy doing with your mother as a young child?


What did you enjoy doing with your father as a young child?


What did a typical day look like as a teen?


What was high school like for you?


Who taught you to drive?


What was your first car?  How much did it cost?


What school activities and sports did you participate in?


Were you ever given any special awards for your studies or school activities?


Tell us about the schools that you attended?  (Elementary, Jr High, High School, beyond)


Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends as a youth? Write about them.


Do you remember any classmates or teachers? 


Do you have any favorite teachers in high school?


What did you do for lunches in high school?


What school years were your favorite?


What subjects in high school were your favorites and least enjoyable?


Who were some of your friends growing up during your teen years?


Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends as a youth? Write about them.


Where did you attend high school?


What were your schools like?


What was your favorite subject in high school and why?


What subject in high school was the easiest for you?


What was your least favorite subject in high school and why?


How do your fellow classmates from high school remember you best?


Did you get good grades in high school?


Did you like high school?


What did you wear to school? Describe it.


Were there any fads during your youth that you remember vividly?


Describe yourself as a young adult.


Were you ever given any special awards for your studies or school activities?


Did you and your friends have a special hang-out where you liked to spend time?


When did you first leave home? Write about that experience.


What was your first job?


What other jobs have you had?


Did you make enough money to live comfortably?


What was your first paycheck? 


What job was your favorite and why?


What job was your least favorite and why?


What job was your most challenging/rewarding and why?


What job would you like to have if not your current one?


Who taught you how to work?


How long did you have to work each day at your job?


How old were you when you retired? Or when do you want, or can retire?


What did your parents do for work?


Did you attend any school or training after high school?


How many years of education have you completed?


Do you have a college degree(s)?  From where?  If so, what was

your field of study?


How did you decide on a career?


How old were you when you started dating?


Do you remember your first date?  Who was your first date?  How did it go?


When, where, and how did you first meet your present spouse?  Describe them.


Do you remember where you went on the first date with your spouse?  Describe it.


How long did you know them before you got married?


Describe your wedding proposal.


Where and when did you get married? (Include date, place, church, etc.)


Describe your wedding ceremony.


Who was there? Best Man, Bride's Maid, other wedding party members?


Did you have a honeymoon?  Where did you go?


How would you describe your spouse(s)?


How did you find out you were going to be a parent for the first time?


How many children did you have?


What were their names, birth dates, and birthplaces?


Why did you give them the names that you did?


What did your children do when they were small that really amazed you?


How did you find out you were going to be a parent for the first time?


What is the funniest thing you can remember that one of your children said or did?


What would you change about the way you raised your family?


What did you find most difficult about raising children?


What did you find most rewarding about being a parent?


Did you spoil any of your children?  How?


Were you a strict or lenient parent?


Did you find that you had to treat each of your children

differently? If so, Why?


How did you feel when the first of your children went to school for the first time?


How did you first hear that you were a grandparent and how did you feel about it?


What advice do you have for your children/grandchildren about being a parent?


Do you know the story of how your parents met?


Do you know the story of how your grandparents met?


If you served in the military, when and where did you serve?


What experiences did you have and what were your duties?


Were you ever injured in the line of duty?  What were the circumstances?


When were you baptized, and what was your religion?


What were the religion of your parents and your grandparents?


What church if any did you attend and where?


Tell us about your Church callings?  Favorites/least favorites?


Who inspired you as you matured?


What was the best part of your 20s?


What was the best part of your 30s?


What is your favorite family story?


Are there any funny stories that have been passed down through the generations?


What are you most proud of as an adult?


Where is the most fascinating place you have visited?


What item will you cross off your bucket list next?


What advice would you give your younger self?


Who was the most influential in your life?


If you could spend an hour with someone who would it be?


What outdoor activities did you most enjoy?


What vacations have you taken and what are some of your favorites?


Who are some of your favorite people that are not family members?


What are the major events in your life that changed you in a new direction?


What are your physical illnesses or ailments during your lifetime?


Have you ever been hospitalized? If so, what for? 


Have you ever had surgery? 


What are some of the major crossroads in your life?


What do you want people to remember or know about who you are?


What are some things that you think are your greatest accomplishments?


What do you like to read about?


What talent do you wish you had? 


If you could relive one day in your life what would it be?


If you could do something over what would it be?


What do you want people to remember about you?


How would you describe the type of person you are?


Tell us about some people in your life that you most admire?


Do you have any hobbies?


Where in the world would you go if you could?


What do you love most about where you live now?


If you could have spent more time doing something what would it be?


What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?


If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?


What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you?


Have you ever been the victim of a crime?  What happened?


Have you ever been in a serious accident?


Has anyone ever saved your life?  Describe.


What do you do regularly for exercise?


Do you have any bad habits now or in the past?  What were they?


How is the world different from what it was like when you were a child?


Do you remember your family discussing world events and politics?


How would you describe yourself politically?


Name a good friend that you have known for the longest?


What were the hardest choices you ever had to make?


Do you feel like you made the right choices?


Who really changed the course of your life by something they did? 


Who were they and what did they do?


Who said something to you that had a big impact on you?


What was the most stressful experience that you ever lived through?


What helped you get through it?


What kinds of musical instruments have you learned to play?


What things have you made that others have enjoyed?


How would you describe your sense of humor?


What is the funniest practical joke you ever played on someone?


What activities have you especially enjoyed as an adult?


What are your hobbies?


What did you like to do when you were not working?


What is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you?


Have you ever met any famous people?  Describe what happened.


What organizations or groups have you belonged to?


Have you ever won any special awards or prizes as an adult? What were they for?


Describe a time and a place you felt truly at peace and happy to be alive.


What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited and what was it like?


What is the longest trip that you have ever gone on?  Where did you go?


What has been your favorite vacation? Where did you go and why was it special?


What pets have you had?


Do you have a favorite story about a pet?


Is there anything you have always wanted to do but have not?


What is the single most memorable moment of your life?


Tell us about how you celebrated Christmas in your life?


What heirlooms, objects, or keepsakes hold special meaning to you?


Are there any birthdays that hold special significance?


List the 10 most important things in your life and talk about them.


What advice you would like to share with future generations.


These words may be the most precious words you leave to your loved ones.


What advice would you give to your child or grandchild on their wedding day?


What or who is your favorite:

  • Animal?

  • Artist?

  • Athlete?

  • Author?

  • Boardgame?

  • Book?

  • Candy?

  • Card game?

  • Color?

  • Cookie?

  • Drink?

  • Flavor of ice cream?

  • Flower?

  • Fruit?

  • Holiday?

  • Meal?

  • Movie star?

  • Movie?

  • Musical group?

  • Musical instrument?

  • Painting?

  • Poem?

  • Poet?

  • Prophet?

  • Restaurant?

  • Season?

  • Singer?

  • Song?

  • Sport?

  • Style of music?

  • Tree?

  • TV program?

  • Vegetable?

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